Privacy Policy

With this document Toresan S.r.l. -based in Merlengo di Ponzano Veneto (Tv-Italy) Via Talponera 66/A ZIP 31050 describes, in accordance with EU Regulation 679/2016 and Legislative Decree No. 196/2003, as amended by Legislative Decree No. 101/2018, the methods for processing the personal data of users who consult the writer’s website starting from the address:, to which the home-page of the website corresponds.
The processing of the data provided will be carried out using methods and procedures aimed at ensuring that it is carried out with respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the person concerned, with reference to confidentiality and security, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.

The Data Controller

The data controller is Toresan S.r.l. -based in Merlengo di Ponzano Veneto (Tv-Italy) Via Talponera 66/A ZIP 31050, as also identified on the site, in the person of its legal representative pro tempore.

Modalities of processing

Any personal data conferred are processed with instruments, including automated ones, with organizational and logical methods related to the indicated purposes.

Access to data, communication

In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases people involved in the organization of the site, such as: staff of Toresan in charge of the processing within the assigned tasks, or external parties who, on behalf of the Data Controller provide instrumental or support services, such as system administrators, IT companies, marketing communication agencies, may have access to the data.
Without the need for express consent, the Data Controller may communicate data to the following subjects: Supervisory Bodies, Judicial Authorities, Control Bodies or other subjects whose right to access personal data is recognized by legal provisions.

Types of data processed

The categories of data

The categories of personal data are, by way of example:

personal and identification data (by way of example only, any first and last name, company name);
contact data (IP address, e-mail address, and similar data) and navigation data.

Data voluntarily provided by the User

Users may contact Toresan through the email or contact Toresan through contact form. The voluntary and explicit sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated in this site and the filling in of the specifically prepared “fields” entails the subsequent acquisition of data that may refer to:

– personal and identification data, such as, for example, name, surname, email, telephone, including business;

– information necessary to request/perform the products or services requested/offered;

– contacts related to the contact persons who interact with Toresan S.r.l,

so that Toresan can respond to the instances produced and/or provide the requested service.
In this case, an automated system sends the communications that users enter or send from the site directly to Toresan: there is no database in this regard, an email is simply generated that arrives directly to the staff of Toresan. Processing related to the web services of this site takes place at the aforementioned Toresan headquarters and is handled only by personnel of the Office in charge of processing. The time of the processing is related to the strict request, generally coming from companies; even if coming from individuals, the processing would take place for the time necessary to process the user’s request. Any further processing is then referred to and governed by any contracts that may result.
Users may interact with Toresan through the social channel, and in that case the data would be handled not only to improve the site but also for Toresan’s commercial and marketing evaluation purposes.
Please refer to the privacy policy of the specific social for its handling of data (you can also read the “social button” section below).
See also the “data voluntarily provided by the user” section.

Navigation-security data.

The computer system acquires some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the users who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computer environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning.
Data is also processed for security purposes and/or to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site or Toresan (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection). In this case, the automatically recorded data may possibly also include personal data such as the IP address, which could be used, in accordance with the law, for the purpose of blocking attempts to damage the site or harm other users, or otherwise harmful or criminal activities. Such data are not used for user identification or profiling, nor cross-referenced with other data, but used only for the purpose of protecting the site and its users. Except in the case of liability investigations, personal data sent to Toresan do not persist for longer than necessary for the indicated purpose and are not provided to third parties.

A Web site, including this one, may store or retrieve information on your browser in the form of cookies.
Cookies are small text files sent by websites and stored on the user’s computer, tablet, smartphone or other mobile device. They contain basic information about Internet browsing and thanks to the browser are recognized each time the user visits the site. Cookies can also be first-party cookies if set by the visited site, or third-party cookies if sent by a site other than the visited site.
The information may relate to the user’s preferences or device and is largely used to make the site also work according to the user’s expectations. The information usually does not directly identify the visitor/user, but can provide a more personalized Web experience.
The use of so-called session cookies (which are not stored persistently on the user’s computer and vanish when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (built from random numbers generated by the server) necessary to enable the safe and effective exploration of the site.

Toresan S.r.l. will keep track of the User’s consent(s) through a special technical cookie, lasting six months.

You can change the way your browser uses cookies by customizing the security settings in your browser’s configuration options (how this is configured depends on the type of operating system, the type of browser used and the version of the cookies).
It is also possible to choose not to allow any type of cookies: inhibiting certain types of cookies may have consequences on the navigation on the site and the use of related services that we are able to offer.
It is not possible to control third-party cookies; if you have previously given consent, you must proceed to delete cookies through your browser or by requesting opt-out directly from the third parties or through the website:

If you want to learn more, you can check out the following sites:

Social Buttons

Social buttons are the “buttons” on the site that depict the icons of social networks (currently: Facebook and Instagram) and allow you to interact with a “click” directly with the social platforms. The social buttons on this site are links that refer to the accounts on the social networks depicted. However, the links are provided where the user can view the privacy policy regarding data management by the social networks to which the buttons refer:



Optional provision of data

It is specified that, apart from what is specified for navigation and security data, the user is free to provide personal data in the request forms to be filled out or indicated in contacts with the company for the purposes requested, informative or contractual, or even in the social network.
By using or consulting this site, visitors and users explicitly approve this privacy policy and consent to the processing of their personal data in the manner and for the purposes described.
The User may deny consent, and may revoke a consent already provided at any time. However, denying consent may result in the inability to provide certain services, to obtain what may be requested, and navigation on the site may be impaired (see also the “Cookies” and “Social Button” sections).

Transfer of data to countries outside the EU

The management and storage of personal data is done on servers located within the European Union. Toresan’s server is currently located in Italy. Data will not be transferred outside the European Union, except for the cases provided for in Article 49 of the GDPR.

Security Measures

Toresan has implemented security measures to prevent data loss, illicit, or incorrect use and unauthorized access. The site management software is regularly updated, and checked for viruses or dangerous elements.

Rights of Data Subjects

Pursuant to the European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR), the Data Subject may exercise, in relation to data processing, the rights provided (Articles 15-21), including:

receive confirmation of the existence of the data and access to its content (access rights);
update, modify and/or correct the data (right of rectification);
request deletion or limitation of the processing of data processed in violation of the law including data whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected (right to be forgotten and right to limitation);
object to the processing (right to object);
revoke consent, where given, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before revocation;
propose a complaint to the Supervisory Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali it);
receive an electronic copy of the data concerning him/her as a Data Subject, when such data have been rendered in the context of the contract, and request that such data be transmitted to another data controller (right to data portability).
Requests should be made:

– by e-mail to

– or by mail


This document is dated June 30, 2022; it is subject to revision as often as required by law or for audits performed by Toresan, or made necessary by further implementations of the site.

Cookie Policy

What are Cookies

Cookies are small text files sent by websites and stored on your computer, tablet, smartphone or other mobile device. They contain basic information about your Internet browsing and thanks to your browser are recognized each time you visit the site. Cookies can also be first-party cookies if set by the visited site, or third-party cookies if sent from a site other than the visited site.

Cookies on Toresan’s site

This site uses cookies, including third-party cookies, to improve the browsing experience and allow those browsing to take advantage of Toresan’s services.
This cookie policy should be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy, which we encourage you to consult for further information on the use of personal data.
The cookies used on this site fall into the categories described below.

Technical cookies

This type of cookies allows certain sections of the site to function properly. They are of two categories, persistent and session:
– persistent: once the browser is closed, they are not destroyed but remain until a preset expiration date or until the user deletes them;
– sessional: they are destroyed each time the browser is closed.
These cookies are necessary to properly display the site and in relation to the technical services offered, so they will always be used and sent unless the user changes the settings in their browser.
Technical cookies are used for the following activities:

(a) Activities strictly necessary for operation. These cookies are technical in nature and allow the site to function properly. For example, they keep the user logged in while browsing by preventing the site from requiring the user to log in multiple times to access various pages or sections of the site.

(b) Preference saving activities. These cookies allow remembering the preferences selected by the user while browsing, for example, they allow setting the language.

(c) Statistical and Audience Measurement Activities. These cookies help us understand, through anonymously collected and aggregated data, how users interact with our website by providing us with information regarding sections visited, time spent on the site, any malfunctions. This helps us improve the performance of our website.

Third Party Cookies

Toresan uses vendors who may in turn install cookies for the proper functioning of the services they are providing, over which we have no control. If you would like information regarding third-party cookies and how to disable them please access the links below. Further below you can also read how to disable cookies in your browser.
Information about the cookies used.

Cookie name: _ elementor
Purpose: Allows optimized wordpress site display and use by the administrator
Expiration: one year;
Third party: no
Cookie name: cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional Purpose: Allows optimized display of the wordpress site and use by the administrator Expiration: 1 year; Third party: no Expiration: 1 year;
Cookie name: _cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary
Purpose: Allows optimized wordpress site display and use by administrator
Expiration: 1 year;
Third party: no
Cookie name: _ cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance
Purpose: Allows optimized display of the wordpress site and use by the administrator
Expiration: one year;
Third party: no
Cookie name: _ cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics
Purpose: Allows optimized display of the wordpress site and use by the administrator
Expiration: one year;
Third party: no
Cookie name: _ cookielawinfo-checkbox-advertisement
Purpose: Allows optimized display of the wordpress site and use by the administrator
Expiration: one year;
Third party: no
Cookie name: _ cookielawinfo-checkbox-others
Purpose: Allows optimized display of the wordpress site and use by the administrator
Expiration: 1 year;
Third party: no
Cookie name: _ test_cookie
Purpose: Allows optimized display of the wordpress site and use by the administrator
Expiration: after 15 minutes;
Third party: no
Cookie name: _ IDE
Purpose: Allows optimized display of the wordpress site and use by the administrator
Expiration: one year and 24 days;
Third party: no
Cookie name: _ pll_language
Purpose: Allows optimized display of the wordpress site and use by the administrator
Expiration: 1 year;
Third party: no
Cookie name: _ CONSENT
Purpose: Allows optimized display of the wordpress site and use by the administrator
Expiration: 16 years, 6 months, 9 days, 11 hours and 6 minutes;
Third party: no
Cookie name: wp-settings-1 Purpose: Allows optimized wordpress site display and usage by administrator Expiration: 1 year Third party: no Cookie name: wp-settings-time-1 Purpose: Allows optimized wordpress site display and usage by administrator Expiration: 1 year Third party: no
Cookie name: wordpress
Purpose: Serves to authenticate the login credentials of the administrator user
Expiration: 1 year
Third party: no
Cookie name: wordpress_logged_in_Spurpose: Serves to authenticate the login credentials of the user who creates an account on the site Expiration: 1 year Third party: no

If you want to get more data about cookies, you can consult the following sites:

You can disable cookies on your browser at any time (inhibiting certain types of cookies may affect your navigation on the site and use of related services we are able to offer).

Social Buttons

There may be icons or “buttons” (referred to as “social buttons”) on our site that depict social network icons (currently: Facebook and Instagram). By clicking the button, the user can interact directly with the social network and Toresan. The social network captures data about the user’s visit (website visits, IP address, and device and browser characteristics, anonymously). Facebook and Instagram do not share personal data with the website owner; it only provides aggregate reports and alerts about the website audience (which do not identify you).

Continued Browsing, Disabling

If you continue browsing our site you consent to the use of cookies, but you can disable them by following specific user manual.